Malawi Government Gazette dated 2018-08-03 number 33

(Published by Authority)
| Zomba, 3rd August, 2018
' @ 3.453: Vol. LV No. 33]
\ an

Price: K500.00
Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper
MPp ITA , for mer ly of Min ist ry of Hea lth , who died at Ntcheu
PAGE (14) James
Estates .«j 273 District Hospital on the 05th day of July, 2017.
Ad mi ni st ra to r Ge ne ra l Ac t— No ti ce s of De ce as ed
ND A, for mer ly of Min ist ry of Edu cat ion , who died at
y, 2018.
Mchinji District Hospital on the 19th day of Januar
GENERAL Notice No. 66 of Min ist ry of Edu cat ion , who died at
(16) IM RA N Sas iti , for mer ly
ADMINISTRATOR GENERAL ACT Hos pit al on the 08t h day of De ce mb er , 2017.
Mafc o Ca mp
(Cap. 10:01 Laws of Malawi)
) ST AB RE CK KA MA NG A, for mer ly of Ac co un ta nt General, who died
November, 2015.
at Ntcheu District Hospital, on the 04th day of

of the Adm ini str ato r Gen eral Act, the MA N SiT OLo BA ND A, for mer ly of Acc oun tan t General, who
Under the pro vis ion of sec tio n 9 (18) HEAD
eby giv es not ice of her int ent ion to apply to the Dis tri ct Hos pit al on the 09t h day of De ce mb er, 2014.
Administrato r Gen era l her died at Nkhotakota
let ter s of adm ini str ati on in res pec t of the Estates
High Court of Malawi , for
CK M. NJ AN U, for mer y of Min ist ry of Hea lth , who died at
ula rs are giv en her eun der . All persons (19) SHADRI
of the Deceased per son s wh os e par tic 7.
ow me nt io ne d dec eas ed per son s or tho se who Nkhoma Hospital on the 10th day of January, 201
who are indebted to the bel
whi ch for ms par t of the said deceased OS
have anything in the ir pos ses sio n
sho uld sub mit the par tic ula rs the reo f in writing to the
persons estates,
Pri vat e Bag 218 , Lil ong we, wit hin fou rte en (14)
Administrator General,
days of the dat e of thi s not ice aft er wh ic h dat e the dec eas ed estates will be MALAWI GOVERNMENT
distribut ed by the Adm ini str ato r Gen era l hav ing regard only to those
ims of whi ch she sha ll hav e rec eiv ed wri tte n particulars.
for Administrator General (General Notices, Government Notices and
Published Weekly (Fridays)
Ac co un ta nt Gen era l, who died nu mb er of pa ge s
(1) SAMSON MTAL IM AN )A , for mer ly of
Pr ic e va ri es de pe nd in g on
l Mi ss io n Hos pit al on the 10t h day of De ce mber, 2017.
at St. Gabrie
Min ist ry of Soc ial Wel fare, who died | Available at:
(2) Heston B. Jas , for mer ly of
Government Press Government Press
ro ng a Dis tri ct Hos pit al on the 12t h day of July, 2016. Government Press
at Ka
Lilongwe Branch Mzuzu Office
ta nt Gen era l, wh o died at P.O. Box 37
(3) INKSON D. CHISON , for mer ly of Ac co un P.O. Box 216 P.O. Box 20048
05t h day of Se pt em be r, 2017. Lilongwe Luwinga
St. Lukes Missio n Hos pit al on the Tel.: 01 525 155
Tel.: 01 755 904 Mzuzu 2
co un ta nt General, who died at Fax: 01 525 175
(4) EVANCE KA BW AB WA , for mer ly of Ac
Tel.: 01 332 558
7. 01 524 301
Salima on the 19th day of November, 201
ZA , fo rm er ly of Ac co un ta nt Ge ne ra l, who died at
of May, 2017.
Likuni Mission Hospital on the 12th day
LA NG WA NI , fo rm er ly of Ac co un ta nt General, who died at
Kamuzu Ce nt ra l Ho sp it al on the 2n d day of September, 2016.
LI ZA , fo rm er y of Ac co un ta nt Ge ne ra l, who died at
mb er , 2017.
Ntcheu District Ho sp it al on the Ist da y of De ce Published on the second
, fo rm er ly of Mi ni st ry of Hea lth , who died Wednesday of the month
it al on the 30t h day of January, 2016.
at Blanty re Dis tri ct Ho sp
cr ip ti on : K1 00 ,0 00 pe r an nu m (M al awi)
of Co mmunity
st ry
US$1900 per annum (Abroad)
NI , fo rm er ly of Mi ni
(9) Davip E. SELEMA
ko ta Dis tri ct Ho sp it al on the 12t h day of
Developmet, who died at Nkhota
Price: K3,500 per copy
December, 2016.
General, who died
(10) AuGUSTINO Ms AM BA , fo rm er ly of Ac co un ta nt
Obtainable from—
ary, 2018.
at Madisi Hospital on the 15th day of Janu The Government Printer
er ly of Ac co un ta nt Ge ne ra l, wh o died at P.O. Box 37
(11) JoHN LUKA, form
ra l Ho sp it al on the 13t h day of December, 2017. Zomba
Kamuzu Ce nt
DI ON ZI NT AM BI RA , fo rm er ly of Mi ni st ry of Defence, Tel.: 01525 155
(12) FRAYTON GI Fax: 01525 175
l Ho sp it al on the 01s t day of No ve mb er , 2017.
who died at Kamuzu Cent ra
01 524 301
KA WI NG A, fo rm er ly of Mi ni st ry of Education,
(13) Francis D. M.
e, 2017.
who died at Chididi on the 23rd day of Jun wi —26271
RN ME NT PR IN TE R, Zo mb a, Ma la
Printed and published by THE GOVE