Malawi Government Gazette dated 2011-10-28 number 44

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(Published by Authority)
3>yU: Vol. XLVI11 No. 44] Zomba, 28th October, 2011

Registered at the GP.O. as a Newspaper______________________________________ Price: K80.00

Office of the President and Cabinet—Notice Promotions, ' u
Appointments, etc., .... 183
—Change of Names Restriction Act—Notice 183
Supplement containing Regulations, Rules etc
Air Transport Licence
Air Navigation Charges (Amendments) Regulations, 2011
Airdrome Charges (Amendments) Regulations, 2011
Aviation (Fees) (Amendments) Regulations. 2011

General Notice No. 75
J. J. Bisika, Principal Secretary (Grade C), with effect from 11th October, 2010. (O.P.C. Letter No. 15/16/16)
Bintony S. B. Kutsaira, Special Advisor to the President on Youth Development and Welfare (Grade E/P3), with effect from date of appointment.
(O.P.C. Letter No. 15/17/1)
Owen P. Wanda, as Deputy Director for Higher Education (Grade E/P4), with effect from 10th August, 2011. (O.P.C. Letter No. CS/5/001)

Elliot Phiri Director of Policy (Grade D), with effect from 18th August, 2011. (O.P.C. Letter No. 15/16/5)

John Msonthi, Brigadier General, to be Major General (Grade C), with effect from 22nd July, 2011. (O.P.C. Letter No. 15/16/16)
C. T. Kafuwa, Brigadier General, to be Lieutenant General (Grade C), with effect from 22nd July, 2011. (O.P.C. Letter No. 15/16/16)

General Notice No. 76
Moses Shur Kalonga to Moses Kunkuyu Kalonga-Shawa

CHANGE OF NAME RESTRICTION ACT Oliver Mdulamizu to Oliver Makupete

(Cap 24:02) Francis John Chuza to Francis Hensley Chuza

CHANGE OF NAME RESTRICTION REGULATION James l.amya to James lamya Lewis Chaponda

Notice of Approval to Change Names Brian Lungu to Gift Paulo

The notice is hereby given that approval has been granted by His Mary Memory Chimango to Mary Memory Chirwa
Excellency the President Ngwazi Professor Bingu wa Muthalika to
Aubrey Dixon Balaka to Aubrey Dixon Barabara
the underlisted persons to change names as stated below—
Peter Zalimba Niupanyama to Peter Zalimba Chilumpha
Nthachi Sheila Mvula to Sheila Mvula
Frank Fred Yizukanh Simwakato Yizukanji Zaphnath-Paneah
Carlington Mapemba to Carlington Nongwe
Kabui.ungu Simwaka
Lionel January Chikopa Yoweri to Lionel January Yoweri
Wilkins Chancy leman to Kuseni lemani Visabwe
Gift Mtika to Gift Mitka Chizewe
Edwin Visabwe Dikirani to Edwin Dikirani Visabwe
Onely Sakala to Patricia Sakala
Mrs. Gloria Lusungu Chirwa to Ms. Gloria Manzani Paul Banda
Alfred Lazaro to Aifred Lazaro Funani
Mary Munachena Chttseko to Maryann Munachena Chitseko
Tamala Kumwenda to Tamala Liwewe
James Mtende Kayira to Zgorani Rhodas Mtende
Ms. Linda Mkandawire to Mrs. Linda Moyo
Winstone Lowani Mbeye to Winstone Lowani Simbeye
All persons are authorized and required at all times to designate,
Chrissy Ganizani Banda to Christina Ganizani Banda
describe and address such persons by the said new names only.
Sevana Kavangira to Antonio
Dated 26th August, 2011.
Charles Kamlomo to Joshua Kamlomo

Mwaytwala Ivy Chtpukunya to Ivy Margaret Chipukunya Bright Msaka
Chief Secretary to the Government

Printed and published by the Government Printer, Zomba, Malawi—24202